Interior Design Services

We begin with a consultation where I learn about your preferences, needs, and goals.
From there, I create a design, schedule and manage contractors if needed, and install the design down to the final styling details.

Our Process


We begin with a consultation where I learn about your preferences, needs and goals. During this consultation, we establish a “scope of work,” or list of items that are included in the project, as well as areas of priority. A fee of $120 will be charged for this meeting. After the consultation, I will send you a written summary of our meeting, a scope of work document, a proposal for your project and a work agreement.


Using what I learned during the consultation, I create your design presentation. This typically includes floorplans, design boards, inspiration images and images of swatches and samples. Your design will be customized to suit your project.


Once the design is complete, I will present your design to you and we can talk through the details. After the presentation, I will incorporate feedback and fine-tune the design as well as assemble quotes for the execution of the design.


With your approval of the design and quotes for execution, I coordinate with contractors, vendors and service providers as necessary to begin to bring the design to life. If construction is involved, I serve as a project manager attending to the contractors to ensure the process is smooth, on schedule and the details are correct. Your design may be completed in phases if you prefer. All purchasing is completed through AD Design.

Installation & Styling

As your project is in progress, I coordinate with you on preparation, storage, construction schedules, delivery and installation of all products in your home. Once the installation is complete, I do a final styling of your home to create the home you’ve dreamed of.

You’re going to love your home!

Please let me know if you have any questions. I would love to begin working with you!